Plant trees more to save Mother Earth

 Sampurna Rudra

Nature or green environment where we live is the solitary resource of human existence and as such all living beings directly depend on the blessings of nature. Since time immemorial there has been a close nexus between man and nature, by virtue of which man is largely indebted to the resources of nature which providing us with all the opportunities of sustainable healthy life.
Trees are considered as green gold. Trees are the children of our mother nature. It gives us oxygen which supports life. So it is very necessary to save trees to make the earth safe for us. Thus, it is said that "SAVE TREES, SAVE EARTH."
The plantation of trees is very important to maintain a balanced environment for our survival.
Our green hue, the womb of mother nature must not be tampered in order to pamper our modern cry. In recent days, deforestation is taking the leading role to pose a heinous threat to our healthy living. In this untoward situation, AFFORESTATION is undoubtedly the only way to escape from this despicable effect which provides us with great satisfaction and immense pleasure of planting trees on either side of the road provides nature with a solace. It has become a solitary resource for the human existence. Moreover, the planting of trees increases the amount of oxygen in the environment which is essential to our healthy living. Afforestation also increases the beauty of nature. It controls the environmental pollution.
In today's world different environmental crisis like - global warming environmental pollution, melting of glaciers are very common. These are the results of deforestation. AFFORESTATION is the only replacement of such situations.

Afforestation in this way, is a perfect manifestation of the nature's beauty incorporating all the essence of creative excellence and as such, it has become the most valuable way to cut down the deleterious effects of deforestation.
So we should "SAVE TREES, SAVE LIFE"

*Student, Semester I Honours


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