Online Wisdom


Sreetama Kundu*

Classes-Virtual Vs Real

 “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up in fragments by narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arm towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary, desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forwarded by THEE
Into every widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, My Father, let my COUNTRY awake.”

With these inspirational lines by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore I, on the behalf of my fellow college mates, want to communicate with the readers on the topic how the teaching learning process has evolved in these past few hideous months, also would like to bring the readers in the limelight so that they can have a bird’s eye view of both the teachers and students. 

We all know that the teaching is a two way process which includes participation of both Students and Teachers. Teaching was primarily physical in nature and according to me it was the best way of imparting education but due to this pandemic worldwide the Education departments had to shift to Virtual teaching methods. This Virtual teaching Methods has their own pros and cons although the cons list is bigger and wider than the pros. We, being students of Geography, are facing huge problems. Since this subject has a lot of practical work and needs almost physical presence of the teachers we the students are facing huge difficulty in absorbing the knowledge virtually. We are also facing problems when any practical work needs to be done with the use of any instruments because most of us cannot afford to buy all the instruments, which we would have got if the colleges and universities were open. This online education also got affected because we the students do-not have the same network coverage or strength most of the times therefore we are facing difficulty in understanding the explanation given by our professors since the voice or the video, sometimes both, get distorted. Our teachers and professors are working very hard. They have made themselves accustomed to this networking virtual world. They are now using various apps which have better video and voice quality even if we have a poor connectivity. They are working very hard so that we are not deprived of our knowledge in this subject. This is one of the good things which I have noticed in online education system. We the students are not getting a back log in the subject because we are having our routine classes. Sometimes due to various problems the class gets disrupted and we lose our enthusiasm in doing our everyday classes. The biggest drawback of these online classes are of not having eye contact and been able to see only a portion of the students therefore there is a high chance that the student may not pay attention to the class as he or she would have done if the teacher would have been physically present. 

To conclude, this was my experience and it was worth remembering. This also showed why Humans are called the cleverest of all beings as because humans have an enigmatic trait of adjustment. This pandemic has also made me strong and had given me time to treasure hunt the inner me which was a nice journey. I also learnt how to manage time and how every second is important to life. In a nutshell I would say this online system is good and also bad. Good because it kept our classes running; bad because it was not worth the offline methods. Henceforth this Online Classes can never replace the beauty of the Offline Classes and teaching methods. I would like to finish my write up by these famous lines of the great Malcom X .....

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepares for it today.”

*Student, 3rd Semester


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