Socio-Economic Profile of Muraddi Mouza, Santuri C.D Block, Purulia District of West Bengal


Juthika Dey*

Carved out of the former Manbhum district of Bihar, Purulia district was merged with the state of West Bengal in November 1956 on the recommendation of the states of Re-organization committee. Jharkhand surrounds this western most district of west Bengal, Purulia, on its three sides, while its western boundary is flanked, for the major part, by Bankura district. The district also touches a part of Burdwan district on the northeast and part of Midnapore district on the southeast. Its latitudinal and longitudinal extensions from 2242’35’’ to 2342’00’’North and 8549’25’’to 8654’37’’ East respectively. Total geographical area of district is 6259 sq (census 2001), out of which the urban and rural area consist of 79.37 sq. kms (1.27%) and 6179 sq. kms (98.73%).

Educational characteristics
Education plays a crucial role in socio economic development of a place. It also helps in the development of human civilization through reducing poverty, ignorance, exclusions and other factors so education must be provided in every section of society. But this poverty stands as accurse to them for which they are away from the light of education. The scenario of our study area that is Muraddi, a small mouza located in Santuri C.D block of Purulia district quite similar where literacy rate is 75.2%. Male literacy rate is 41.16% and female literacy rate is 33.6%.

Housing Characteristics
·       Status of house ownership
A primary household survey was done at the Muraddi mouza in the Santuri C.D block in Raghunathpur subdivision of Purulia district. On the basis of the primary household survey it is found that most of the people of Muraddi Mouza have their own houses which accounts for 88% of the total household surveyed but some are living in rented houses about 12% of the villagers are tenants.

·        House types
At least three varieties of hoses are found in the Muraddi mouza. Those are kutcha, pucca and semi pucca, among which the number of semi pucca houses are maximum in the followed by kutcha and pucca.

·        Types of roof, wall and flooring in the muraddi mouza
In the Muraddi mouza different types of roofs, wall and flooring are found. Maximum roof the houses are constructed by Tali. Mainly four types of roofs are found such as Tali, Thatched roof, Asbestos and Cement.
Along with roofs, different types of walls and flooring are also found. Mainly three types of walls are found which are mud wall, cement wall and brick wall.

Flooring characteristics is one of the most important features of household. Two types of flooring are found, cement flooring and mud flooring.
·        Kitchen types & cooking amenities in the houses
Two types of kitchen facilities are observed in the study area. More than 69% villagers have their kitchen inside their houses and 31% villagers have kitchen outside their houses. They have no inside kitchen facilities.
·        Toilet facilities
It has been studied that more than 50% houses have an individual toilet. 36% villagers do not have their separate toilet and they are using common toilets. Remaining peoples are using open spaces. 14% villagers indulging in open defection which causes environmental pollution.
·        Sources of drinking water
There are various sources of drinking water. They are community tap, tube well, dug well and individual tap. According to villagers the quality of water is good. Distance of drinking water supply is within 0.5 to 1 km. about 58% villagers are using community tap. There are 27 tube wells and 14 individual taps in this area. Maximum people mainly use the community tap.

Health Status
·        Age of marriage
Here we have seen that most of the marriage occurring in the age group of 19-27. The marriage of the women occurs mostly in 19 years old and the men marriage mostly in 23 years old. Child marriage is few rare in the area.
·        Types of place of birth
Here it can be sited that now day various agenda of illiteracy eradication, increasing awareness of being educated, rapid usage of social network sites both directly and indirectly assist people to be comparatively welfare on behalf of being social well being of the society. It helps to create the concept of proper significance of hospital, health centre, home individually among the people.
·        Distance of health center from home
We have seen that the houses are mostly seen locating from health centre within the distance of 0.5 -2 km. the peoples living within <0.5 km usually use cycles, bikes or even go by walking to reach in. the people whoever lives at the distance of 0.5-2.0 km uses as the vehicles the auto rickshaw, rickshaw, scooters, bikes mainly and cycles hardly.

Occupational Characteristics
The measurement of inequality has been largely concerned with single dimensional indicators of economic status. There are many indicators such as male, female earner and non earner of the respondent family, employment status, types of works, and means of transport, nature of occupation, monthly income structure, and nature of savings, borrower and non borrower respondents. Among the 95 respondent family 87% is main worker and 13% is regular worker. Among the total populations survey 32% is self employee, 25% is casual labour including part time job, 31% is salaried including govt. job( school, teacher, banker) and 12% regular wage.

Tourism Industry

Tourism is fastest growing industry in Purulia with great potentials for its further expansions and diversification. Tourism industry plays a major role in Purulia’s economic development. It helps to enrich the economy of Purulia by creating employment opportunities to large number of people. Tourists flow reach at a highest during the month of November to March and July to September is the lag season. Tourists are mainly come from neighboring districts of West Bengal, and few tourists come from other states and foreign country. Tourists are mainly of family type but others like students of schools and colleges visit here for educational purposes.

“An Overview of Purulia District,”Retrieved 17 January 2013, District Administrative Department, Health and Family welfare Department, Purulia,
Netaji Hospital, Purulia District
West Bengal District Gazetteer, Purulia 1985

* Honours, 2016
Part -Time Lecturer in the Department of Geography of Women’s Christian College


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